The Largest Human Penis In The World

A man who was once thought to have the world’s largest penis has branded the new record-holder a cheat. Jonah Falcon, 47, who claims to have a 13.5inch penis, says

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Welcome to World Sex Records, the website that documents the biggest, longest, oldest, most prolific and superlitive records in the sexual and sexy world.

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Plenty of men brag about the size of their penis, and most of them are probably lying. But there’s one man who can settle any bet just by unzipping his pants: Jonah Falcon, owner of the world’s biggest human penis.

Cetaceans have fibroelastic penises, similar to those of Artiodactyla. The tip of the cetacean penis, which tapers toward the end, is called the pars intrapraeputialis or terminal cone. The blue whale has the largest penis of any organism on the planet, typically measuring 8–10 feet (2.4–3.0 m). Accurate measurements of the blue whale …

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Jonah Adam Falcon (born July 29, 1970) is an American actor and television presenter. He came to national attention in 1999 over the size of his penis, reported to be the largest on record at 13.5 inches (34 cm) …

The largest organ in the human body is the skin. Covering the entire body, even the eyes, which have a transparent layer of skin called the conjunctiva, the skin offers protection from water, air, sunlight, injury, dirt, chemicals, and microorganisms. The skin also helps to regulate temperature

Just a few days ago the internet was going bananas over a trick of light which made a woman look as if she had an astonishingly large dong. That was just

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Jonah Falcon is known the world over for having the worlds largest human penis, measuring in at 13.5 inches in length. He isn’t a porn star,and doesn’t aspire to be one.In-fact Jonahs dream is to become an actor in major motion pictures, not low budget porno films. Interesting fact about Jonah, he was “discovered” after being approached by …

Man with the ‘world’s largest penis’ is registered disabled because of his 19-inch manhood because he can’t wear work uniforms or get on his knees

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