Oragel Dry Mouth

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Oct 15, 2008 · THE CURE FOR ULCERS IN MOUTH! : 270 messages in this subject

If your mouth always feels dry and parched, you may have a condition worthy of a medical name: xerostomia (from the Greek xero, for dry, and stoma, for mouth).

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Orajel (Benzocaine Topical) is used to reduce pain caused by teething, cold sores, canker sores, and toothaches.

Complete at home teeth whitening systems and bleach refills. Professional systems include Opalescence, m Whitening, Nite White Excel and Day White.

Read about home remedies for mouth ulcers and mouth ulcers treatments. Also read how to cure mouth ulcers naturally with proven home remedies.

Physician reviewed benzocaine topical patient information – includes benzocaine topical description, dosage and directions.

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Apr 09, 2002 · extracted wisdom tooth gave me ulcers : 64 messages in this subject

Know who is at risk. While a dry socket may develop in anyone’s mouth following a dental surgery, certain risk factors such as tobacco use, estrogen-based oral contraceptives, and use of corticosteroids or very bad oral hygiene and not following the instructions of your dentist may increase the chances of developing a dry socket.

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Once the area is numb, rub the site of the cold sore and the surrounding area. Rub firmly to allow the treatment to deeply penetrate the skin.

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Physician reviewed Orajel patient information – includes Orajel description, dosage and directions.

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