Openly Gay Stars

Jan 23, 2018 · He’s the United States’ first openly gay man to qualify for the Winter Olympics so get to know all about Adam Rippon.

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All the latest gay news from the UK and internationally. Listings for LGBT venues across the UK, plus gay chat, gay forums and hot gay men!

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Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning “never thought he’d be back” at the Pentagon. The 47-year-old made history last month when the U.S. Senate confirmed him as the first openly gay secretary of a major military branch. He’s also the first to have served as a senior civilian executive in all

‘It’s Scary’ Tom Daley fears over competing in Russia next month as openly gay athlete after winning Commonwealth Games gold with Dan Goodfellow

This list of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) firsts by year denotes pioneering LGBT endeavors organized chronologically. Openly LGBT people remain a demographic ity in most places.

Feb 16, 2013 · Photos of athletes who have come out publicly as gay

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Apr 29, 2013 · It’s the biggest move of his career and it’s off the court. Jason Collins, who played with the NBA’s Boston Celtics and Washington Wizards this season, has disclosed that he is gay, making him the first active openly gay male athlete in the four major American pro team sports. The center, who said

The former social protection minister will be the Catholic country’s first openly gay prime minister, its first of Indian descent and the est person ever to hold the office.

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American figure er Adam Rippon is the first openly gay man to compete in the Olympics – get to know him

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LGBT Military Index. The LGBT Military Index is an index created by The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies that uses 19 indicative policies and best practices to rank over 100 countries on the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender service members in the armed forces.