In It Because Russian Is

Mar 29, 2018 · A Russian airline has been accused on sending American citizens to India after a layover because of their skin color.

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“It’s not just one platform, it’s the whole principle of encrypted communication that’s under threat,” says Russian internet expert Tanya Lokot.

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Because of the ZWT4 Im a new owner of an ice cream maker. In a month or less, I tried 4 recipes so far. But some of them, I made half batches. That way, I can try more LOL This one from Rachael Ray looks amazing.

While there are numerous online websites that feature Russian ladies who would like to date the right person, the websites are often misunderstood by the general public who may suspect some alternative motives on the part of the people running these sites.

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The Dima Yakovlev Law (Russian: Закон Димы Яковлева), Dima Yakovlev Bill, Dima Yakovlev Act, anti-Magnitsky law, or Federal law of Russian Federation no. 272-FZ of 2012-12-28 “On Sanctions for Individuals Violating Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms of the Citizens of the Russian Federation” is a law in Russia that defines

Comey writes in his tell-all book that Obama didn’t want to overdo his public warnings about Russian interference because he figured Trump would lose.

ing legend Oksana Baiul has gone Chernobyl on NBC claiming the network screwed her over by making her sign a contract with a bunch of gobbledygook when all she knew was goulash.

At least 20 countries have kicked out more than 130 Russian diplomats, believed to be covert intelligence officers.

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In 1997, the crew of a Japanese fishing boat was pulled from the Sea of Japan after clinging to the boat’s wreckage for several hours. They were immediately arrested, however, after authorities interrogated them about the boat’s fate.

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